"Ironman" was an action genre video-game based on the "Ironman" film, and made for several platforms, such as Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and PC. The game was released on May 2nd, 2008 to be the flm's spin-off[1] , and was part of the film release's marketing campaign, the same strategy used for "Transformers" (including product placements, echo brands, merchandises), as it was released on the same day of the motion picture’s exhibition. The Hollywood film "Iron Man" was very successful, earning 318 million dollars in domestic revenue and 588 million dollars in worldwide revenue[2]. However, the game was not an example of good sales, as no platform reached more than 600.000 units[3], a disappointment for a big marketing effort around the film franchise.
"Iron Man" is an experimental game, unlike other major film-games. It tries to deliver a different experience instead of entirely reproducing past styles. Although 2008 was a memorable and competitive year for the game industry, many good titles disputed the market and "Iron Man" had a lot of competitors. Two games of the same genre can be considered major competitors for "Iron Man", "James Bond: Quantum of Solace", that sold a little more than the former game (630.000 units in Playstation 3 and 870.000 units in XBOX 360[4]) and "Devil May Cry 4", that sold an average of 1.5 million units for each platform[5].
One of the first Game Faqs reviews can be caught by one's eye by exposing a failure behind a great idea: “Make an Iron Man game based off the box office hit movie. A GREAT IDEA!!! Unfortunately the game isn't that good.”[6] The overall mark for this game is 5 out of 10.
However, the story content is one of its best features, film’s story adaptation with additional comic book content. Graphic quality oscillates, when Iron Man is flying most of the landscape looks great, as well as the details of his armor. However, when Iron Man is on the ground, graphics look terrible. Notable points are controls and sound, they don’t look great but are considered average. On the other hand, gameplay is the worst part of the game, it is very repetitive making the gamer tired instead of excited, there so many enemies firing at Iron Man that the player cannot even think what they need to do or go to, making it a very frustrating experience.
Repetitive gameplay makes an frustating experience instead of entertainment
Gameplay is definitely the worse part, as the enemies are so numerous and overwhelming, combined with no checkpoints (a way to load a saved game if the player dies), adding to the overall frustrating game experience.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man_(video_game)
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man_(film)
[3] http://www.vgchartz.com/games/index.php?name=iron+man
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