"Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official game of the movie" is a hybrid game, considered first-person shooter and adventure genre video-game based on the "King Kong" film remake by Peter Jackson. It was made for several platforms, such as Playstation 2, Playstation Portable, Xbox, Xbox 360, Nintendo Game Cube, Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance and PC[1]. The game was released on November 17th, 2005, just 3 weeks before the film's release, as a spin-off of the same. The "King Kong" game is considered a very successful product, and presents a very rare partnership between the film director and producer, Peter Jackson, and the famous game designer Michel Ancel. It reached the 9th position at UK Top Ten 2005[2], as well as the 8th best-selling position on December 2008 by NPD group[3]. The game sold 1.7 million units in the Playstation 2 platform, while its competitor "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" sold 3.14 million[4] and "Call of Duty II", 2.31 million[5]. Nevertheless, the portable versions were not appreciated by consumers, like in Playstation Portable and Nintendo DS because of technical issues and poor level design. This fact can remind producers to better plan each platform release, because just one platform failure can spread its “bad image” to the entire franchise.
The film story was very well adapted to the game. It has a different focus, one that is not depicted in the movie. Indeed, since the motion picture was released after the game, this strategy had been very smart, because the game had not told spoilers that could have harmed the pleasure of movie-goers.
The sound is very well done, as orchestral music helps to create climax and player immersion in the game. Actor’s voices are another good point, which are very realistic and well-performed as well as animal’s sounds. For example, hoar and scream from King Kong and dinosaurs that look very realistic.
Some players rely on the sounds to avoid dangers from the jungle, this shows how a good game can create a reality and sensorial experience to the player through sound.
Graphics are very good. There is a sense of realism while in the island and looking at characters. The computer-controlled characters are very intelligent, some dinosaurs can be distracted by smaller animals or corpses, as they are respecting a food-chain.
In addition to that, King Kong’s game innovated in regards to screen image. Instead of putting health and ammo numbers on the screen there is none, the character tells how much ammo he has.
Another interesting aspect is the type of gameplay. After playing as a human, the gamer will be playing as King Kong, and the storytelling is so interlaced that gamers feel like they are playing the movie itself.
The game add extra content out of movie, also brings an immersive experience
"King Kong" is one of the few examples of good film spin-offs. Most critic complaints are in reference to the length of gameplay, which is 6 hours
[7].[2] http://forum.pcvsconsole.com/viewthread.php?tid=18010
[3] http://www.gamedaily.com/articles/news/chart/160/?biz=1&articleTypeId=-1
[4] http://www.vgchartz.com/games/game.php?id=5764®ion=All
[5] http://www.vgchartz.com/games/game.php?id=4932®ion=All
[6] http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/review/920342.html
[7] http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/kingkong/review.html
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